Hi, everyone.
Here are the online references for Robert V. Gentry's previous work at
http://xxx.lanl.gov/ .
The Genuine Cosmic Rosetta (6/14/98)
A New Redshift Interpretation (6/20/98)
The New Redshift Interpretation Affirmed (10/26/98)
Anything by Gentry for 2001 are not yet up at http://xxx.lanl.gov/
(not that I could find, anyway).
Incidentally, I'm wondering (out loud) how Gentry thinks any of this is
supposed to be relevant to dismissing such "less conjectural," observed
facts as SN1987A, which on cosmic scales is definitely in our "local
universe", as an event that occurred approximately 168,000 years ago --
which flatly disproves the idea that the universe has not been in
existence longer than, say, 10,000 years. Not to mention the fact that
polonium halos don't explain how something like the Manicouagan Crater
(from about 200 million years ago) can erode, lithify, and re-erode in
less than 10,000 years. There are more "conventional" ideas for
polonium halos, which don't arbitrarily dismiss the "historical
after-effects" of things like the Manicouagan Crater.
Todd S. Greene
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