I replied to Moorad (with a copy to the list) last Thursday.
Chuck Vandergraaf
Senior Scientist
Engineered Barriers and Analysis Branch
Waste Technology Business Unit
Whiteshell Laboratories
Pinawa, MB R0E 1L0
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday March 12, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: Gentry's cosmic model
The following letter appears in the March 2001 issue of APS News (the
monthly newspaper of The American Physical Society). I've read what
Strahler had to say about Gentry and his polonium halos. Does anyone have
any responses to this latest effort by Gentry to formulate a new
cosmological model?
Microscopic Halos Favor Recent Creation
Here is a creation/evolution issue pertaining to nuclear physicists,
astrophysicists, and cosmologists. I have reported Earth's foundation
rocks, the granites, contain microscopic halos traceable to the alpha decay
of certain primordial Po isotopes. Their short half-lives demand almost
instant creation of the host rocks, prior to the Po decaying away.
Geologists resisted accepting this result; so two decades ago I challenged
them to sustain their objections by: (i) duplicating just one Po-218 halo in
an annealed piece of granite, and (ii) synthesizing a small piece of granite
to confirm that it can form naturally. To me the prolonged silence about
this test means the Creator uniquely designed both the Po halos and the
granites to spotlight Genesis' literal six-day creation of the visible
cosmos and its seventh-day memorial. (See for more on
this topic.) In 1997 I published a new cosmic model based on a finite,
nonhomogeneous, vacuum-gravity universe with a nearby cosmic Center (C), and
showed it accounts for the 2.73 K CMB, the CMB at higher z, and the Hubble
redshift relation. More recently, see for year 2001, I
reported it also accounts for six other of big bang's major predictions.
Robert V. Gentry
Knoxville, Tennessee
Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
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