Re: Adam never met Eve

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Sat Nov 11 2000 - 11:20:12 EST

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Adam never met Eve"

    Wayne wrote:

    >Cain and Able were probably used when there was sibbling rivalries.
    >Would that be a time to explain that this is not a true story? But
    >when children are older and ask "where they real people?", it's
    >right to honest. The best answer is three simple words: "I don't know".
    >That's honest.

    I submit we can be better than honest. We can be informed. Cain did
    something we can substantiate. He built a city and named it "Enoch" after
    his son. Enoch, or E-Anna(k), is named in the Sumerian king list in the
    post-flood period. The name was corrupted to "Erech" the Sumerian "Uruk."
    It appears on maps of southern Mesopotamia, and it was excavated by

    Further, the En- prefix designates Enoch as a king or lord of that
    city. His cousin also bears the En- prefix suggesting he also reigned over
    a city or cult center.

    So the very best answer should be, "Let's find out." That's also three words.

    Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."

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