Re: Adam never met Eve

Date: Sat Nov 11 2000 - 08:58:14 EST

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Adam never met Eve"

    Chuck Vandergraaf wrote (in part):

    Sorry, I feel compelled to through in my two yen (still less than
    two cents).

    << Another point: If the church fathers, who selected the text that now
     constitutes our Bible, were to do so today, with the information that we
     have, would they still select the same books?

    I suspect that this question has been asked many times before.
    It was probably asked first sometime around the birth of the monarchy
    (reign of David). The answer was yes. It was probably asked during
    the reign of Josiah when the book of the law was rediscovered (2K:22,
    2C:34). The answer was yes. It was surely asked upon return from
    the exile. The answer seems to have been yes. Finally, it was asked
    after the death and resurrection of Christ. The answer was yes.

    So would we select the same books today? I think the only reasonable
    answer is yes. The Bible is a document that is intended to instill
    faith and confidence in a God who acts in history, and as Christians
    to reveal the death and resurrection of Christ. Quandaries though
    they many many, this is all we have left to us by those who came
    before, and it is what we should leave to those who come after us:
    untouched by our wishful meddlings.

     Finally, how does this impact on the Sunday School curriculum? Do we still
     tell the stories about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and let the kids
     find out later that "it wasn't necessarily so," or do we tell them that
     "it's only a story" so that they won't have to face disappointment later on?

    There is a time and a place for every matter under heaven. The lesson
    of Adam and Eve was probably told when brothers and sisters were
    looking for someone to blame for some mishap in responsiblity.
    Is that the time to say this is only a myth?
    Cain and Able were probably used when there was sibbling rivalries.
    Would that be a time to explain that this is not a true story? But
    when children are older and ask "where they real people?", it's
    right to honest. The best answer is three simple words: "I don't know".
    That's honest.

    If we are going to insist on anything, we should insist on the
    Exodus and on Christ because those are the key testaments to
    the faith.

    By Grace alone do we proceed,

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