Re: GM foods again

From: Charles Wiley (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2000 - 16:30:28 EST

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Adam never met Eve"

    If anyone is going to be near Pittsburgh 11/9-11, Donald Bruce (Director of
    the Society, Religion and Technology Project of the Church of Scotland)
    will be doing a breakout session called "Food Fight: Issues surrounding
    Genetically Modified Organisms" at "What Does It Mean to Be Human? A
    Conference on Genetics and Christian Faith."

    You can call 888-728-7228 x5732 for details.



    Charles Wiley, Associate for Theology
    Office of Theology and Worship
    Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    (888) 728-7228, x5734
    Fax: (502) 569-5501

    >>> "Kamilla ludwig" <> 11/03/00 04:22PM >>>
    I'm back from vacation and thinking about this issue again. I realize
    that a lot of the anti-GM foods writing is alarmist and there are a few
    claims I am still trying to track down. In the mean time I have a
    question. Wasn't the tryptophan problem in the late 80's in which a dozen
    or so people died attributed to a GM form of tryptophan? I'm trying to
    track that one down, too, and particularly wondered if any list members had
    information about it.


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