FW: Adam never met Eve

From: glenn morton (glenn.morton@btinternet.com)
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 01:32:33 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "RE: Adam never met Eve"

    This should have gone to the list

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: glenn morton [mailto:glenn.morton@btinternet.com]
    > Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 6:51 PM
    > To: bivalve@mail.davidson.alumlink.com
    > Subject: RE: Adam never met Eve
    > David wrote:
    > > In addition to the fundamental flaw of overlooking the possiblity
    > > of multiple bottlenecks in one lineage (the Adam/Noah effect
    > > noted in one post), the dating techniques are far from precise. I
    > > believe the error range on the "Eve" dates makes them uncertain
    > > between 0 and a few million years, for example, if all sources of
    > > error are taken into consideration. Many molecular clock studies
    > > use only one calibration point, if any (some just cite a rate
    > > from another study), making the results statistically meaningless.
    > >
    > Everyone is missing the point of this, which is that there is no
    > way the Biblical Adam and Eve could have been within the past
    > 150,000 years. One doesn't have to get into the details of
    > coalescence theory to know that simple fact. The genetical data
    > does not support a recent pair origin for the human race at
    > approximately the same time.
    > glenn
    > see http://www.flash.net/~mortongr/dmd.htm
    > for lots of creation/evolution information
    > >


    see http://www.flash.net/~mortongr/dmd.htm
    for lots of creation/evolution information

    > >

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