Adam never met Eve (fwd)...Bibilical description

From: Joel Cannon (
Date: Wed Nov 01 2000 - 13:12:50 EST

  • Next message: Joel Cannon: "Yuri Gugarin"

    > From: "glenn morton" <>
    > "WOMEN were the complete article long before men, a new study has shown.
    > The result overturns the Biblical description of women being created from a
    > spare rib left over from a man, and suggests that if Eve ever did meet Adam
    > she was slumming it, genetically speaking.

    We ought to rend our clothes and weep--not that this might conflict
    with a superficial reading of the biblical text, but that we
    Christians have done so poorly at communicating the gospel and the
    most elementary of biblical hermaneutics that a presumably
    well-educated person could say "overturns" without turning red in the

    It no more overturns the biblical description than if Yuri Gugarin or
    any other astronaut/cosmonaut would have overturned the biblical
    description of the firmament (as a hard dome) when he flew into space
    and found there was no dome. It should overturn a simplistic reading
    of the text.

    Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
    Physics Department |
    Washington and Jefferson College |
    Washington, PA 15301 |

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