Re: Adam never met Eve

From: bivalve (
Date: Wed Nov 01 2000 - 10:26:54 EST

  • Next message: "RE: Dembski clarification from Baylor"

    In addition to the fundamental flaw of overlooking the possiblity of multiple bottlenecks in one lineage (the Adam/Noah effect noted in one post), the dating techniques are far from precise. I believe the error range on the "Eve" dates makes them uncertain between 0 and a few million years, for example, if all sources of error are taken into consideration. Many molecular clock studies use only one calibration point, if any (some just cite a rate from another study), making the results statistically meaningless.

        Dr. David Campbell
        "Old Seashells"
        Biology Department
        Saint Mary's College of Maryland
        18952 E. Fisher Road
        St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3001 USA, 301 862-0372 Fax: 301 862-0996
    "Mollusks murmured 'Morning!'. And salmon chanted 'Evening!'."-Frank Muir, Oh My Word!

    ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
    From: "glenn morton" <>
    Reply-To: <>
    Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 06:45:32 -0000

    >There was a fascinating article in The Times yesterday in which genetics is
    >showing that the y-chromosome Adam never met the mtDNA Eve. Adam leved about
    >59,000 years ago and Eve 143,000. Now, if one wants to maintain any sort of
    >Biblical historicity in the face of this kind of data, one needs to either
    >move Adam and Eve back to a time prior to 143,000 years ago (as I suggest)
    >or have Adam and Eve NOT be the parents of all people (as Dick Fischer
    >advocates). One simply can't have the data-ignoring position of Hugh Ross
    >who would say that Adam and Eve were created sometime after 60,000 years
    >ago. Genetics simply doesn't allow that possibility any more. Here is part
    >of the article.
    >Tuesday October 31,2000
    >Even early man was late for first date
    >"WOMEN were the complete article long before men, a new study has shown.
    >Geneticists have found that female genes acquired their modern form 143,000
    >years ago but the male version was not up and running for another 84,000
    >The result overturns the Biblical description of women being created from a
    >spare rib left over from a man, and suggests that if Eve ever did meet Adam
    >she was slumming it, genetically speaking.
    >*The result overturns the Biblical description of women being created from a
    >spare rib left over from a man*, and suggests that if Eve ever did meet Adam
    >she was slumming it, genetically speaking.
    >An international team led by Peter Underhill of Stanford University studied
    >the Y chromosome, which confers maleness, of more than 1,000 men from 22
    >parts of the world. By creating a family tree of genetic variations, it is
    >possible to trace it back to a putative ancestor from whom all varieties of
    >today's Y chromosome originated.
    >Similar studies have been made of mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down
    >unchanged through the maternal line. These studies have shown that we are
    >all ultimately descended from an "ancestral Eve" who lived in Africa about
    >143,000 years ago.
    >But ancestral Adam, measured by the Y chromosome clock, was alive a mere
    >59,000 years ago. So it is clear than ancestral Eve never met ancestral
    >Adam, though she must have met some sort of male in order to have begotten
    >all those descendants. Dr Underhill and his team report in Nature Genetics
    >that the perfect DNA for men simply took longer to emerge. There must have
    >been thousands of generations of men whose maleness was provided by
    >different, less perfect, versions of the Y chromosome.
    >for lots of creation/evolution information

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