Moorad wrote:
> The laws of gravity do not move planets. The laws of gravity cannot create
> neither motion nor planets. The Newtonian gravitational law mimics the
> actions of God. It is the created and sustained being, man, that
> devices the
> laws that describe the created and sustained regularity of
> nature.
Here we have you saying that the regularity is 'created' and 'ustained'.
Now, you say that God created laws. These laws are described by man but
those descriptions are but a dim shadow of reality. God's created laws
would then be free to operate by the delegated authority of God and God
sustains those laws by not removing the delegation.
Or does your theology require that God can't delegate? Doesn't he delegate
to us the job of spreading the Gospel? Of course God delegates, why do we
christians think He can't delegate to nature? And if God can delegate
authority to the laws that govern planetary motion, why can't he delegate to
laws that govern evolution? Seems that we want to limit God.
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