Re: TE-man

From: Inge Frette (
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 02:41:28 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: MAA (more about abbreviations)"

    Hei Bjørn,
    you should check out Richard Swinburne's book
    "The evolution of the soul".
    Maybe you already know this, but Swinburne (who is
    professor of philosophy in Oxford) is a commited
    evolutionist and also a strong defender of a substance
    dualist version of the mind/body problem.

    You may find his writing interesting.

    Regards, Inge

    At 14:09 16.10.00 -0700, Bjoern Moeller wrote:
    >Now that the abbreviations are precisely defined, let
    >me take on one of them, and a question that comes to
    >my mind.
    >These days I read my way through some good books all
    >written by authors holding a TE viewpoint. I certainly
    >enjoy the reading, but there is one issue I just can't
    >find in these books, and that is the spirited/souled
    >man as made in God's image (God breathed his spirit
    >into the nostrils of man etc.). It is perfectly fine
    >with me that man is a product of an evolving nature,
    >but how do TE's account for man being a creature with
    >a soul/spirit? I mean, how did the soul of man evolve?
    >Can biological evolution explain that? And, if not,
    >who can?
    >I guess this question is not first time raised here,
    >but to me it is new and pressing, so even if this
    >issue was solved years ago, can somebody give me a
    >short introduction?
    >Bjorn Moller
    >grad student of philosophy,
    >Loyola University, Chicago.
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    Inge Frette
    GEOLOGICA AS Phone : +47 51 87 58 15
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