
From: Bjoern Moeller (dj_mic20@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 17:09:50 EDT

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: atheist/theist debate"

    Now that the abbreviations are precisely defined, let
    me take on one of them, and a question that comes to
    my mind.

    These days I read my way through some good books all
    written by authors holding a TE viewpoint. I certainly
    enjoy the reading, but there is one issue I just can't
    find in these books, and that is the spirited/souled
    man as made in God's image (God breathed his spirit
    into the nostrils of man etc.). It is perfectly fine
    with me that man is a product of an evolving nature,
    but how do TE's account for man being a creature with
    a soul/spirit? I mean, how did the soul of man evolve?
    Can biological evolution explain that? And, if not,
    who can?

    I guess this question is not first time raised here,
    but to me it is new and pressing, so even if this
    issue was solved years ago, can somebody give me a
    short introduction?

    Bjorn Moller
    grad student of philosophy,
    Loyola University, Chicago.

    e-mail: dj_mic20@yahoo.com

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