Re: Evolution scores vs SAT scores. What else would you expect?

Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 22:57:17 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Random origin of biological information"

    Doug Hayworth wrote (in reference to the high SAT scores in Kansas):

    << The study
     which sparked this discussion was concerned with the teaching
    of evolution, not with all of education; was anyone claiming
    that it was an exact indicator of the all aspects of education?

    This point is essentially correct, however,
    there is an unfortunate innuendo that seems to come off the
    pages of newspapers and science journals suggesting that
    the folk in Kansas are a bunch of blockheads. Whereas I
    cannot agree with their decision, depicting them as a "Okies"
    is not a productive way to resolve the issue either. Moreover,
    as with most of the other things I've had to learn the hard way,
    "Okies" can be very smart when it comes to their own area of

    In any case, SAT scores are just a measure of "skills",
    and how a student really performs in College is more
    strongly dependent on their hunger and thrist for truth.
    Such things are not "measurable" with a multiple guess

    by Grace alone do we proceed,

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