The failure of our students in science and math is what we should be
addressing rather that the damn issue of whether evolution should be taught
in public schools or not. Evolution has nothing to say on almost all
research being done in biology and medicine, whether technical or basic
research. Witness the fact that almost 100% of the physics done has
nothing whatsoever to do with the Big Bang. The precise same thing is true
with the theory of evolution. Moorad
-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Roy <>
To: asanet <>
Date: Friday, October 06, 2000 9:20 AM
Subject: Evolution scores vs SAT scores. What else would you expect?
This is no doubt very significant.
The September 27 Houston Chronicle published a report by the National
Organization of Scientists in which they ranked each state by how "well"
they did teaching evolution. Kansas was ranked last. Connecticut,
California, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Rhode Island
received the "best" rank.
Here are how those states match up on SAT scores:
Kansas #5
Connecticut #32
California #35
New Jersey #39
Indiana #42
Rhode Island #44
North Carolina #48
In other words, the states which teach evolution the "best" are all in
the bottom 40% on SAT scores, while Kansas is in the top 10%.
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