Halloween/Evolution Tract

From: Dale K. Stalnaker (dks@en.com)
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 20:59:44 EDT

  • Next message: Allen Roy: "Evolution scores vs SAT scores. What else would you expect?"

    While listening to a local (Cleveland) Christian radio station this
    evening, I heard
    about a evangelical Christian ministry called "Halloween Outreach!". Their
    web site
    is at <http://www.halloweenoutreach.com/>.

    During this time of the year, this ministry sells packets of tracts called
    "Halloween Outreach! cards" to spread the Gospel (see
    http://www.halloweenoutreach.com/cards.html). One card is an
    anti-evolution tract from the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). It
    has the caption "They're Big, They're Ferocious, and They're real!" and
    whether or not dinos are million of years old. According to the ICR,
    evolutionary theory has "one slight problem...recently a dinosaur bone was
    discovered that still contained blood cells!"

    This sounds very bogus, but does anyone at ASA know the real story about
    this "fossil evidence" for a young earth?

    The tract concludes with "Where did life begin? Scientists point to a
    giant explosion, and millions of years of evolution. Christians hold to
    the biblical account that God personally created the animals... that we
    know today." This implies that young-earth creationism is necessary for
    Christian faith and that it is impossible for Christians to accept either
    the Big Bang, evolution, or a multi-billion-year-old earth. Since the ICR
    is so successful propagating this nonsense, it is no wonder that many
    scientifically-literate people have a difficult time with Christianity.

    Dale Stalnaker

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