Re: Flood

Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 03:07:05 EDT

  • Next message: Allen & Diane Roy: "Re: Re: The Wedge of Truth : Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism by Phillip E. Johnson"

    Bill wrote,
    << There are significant lacks of correspondence with both basin fillings
     and the Genesis account of the Flood. For instance, both basins are
     still full, while Genesis 8:3 says "The water receded steadily from the
     earth", and Gen 8:13 says "By the first day of the first month of Noah's
     six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth."
     How can anyone possibly reconcile Scriptures such at this which are so
     clear with the Med or Black Sea filling?

    If Gen 6-9 is taken as a VCR account, you are right. It cannot be harmonized
    with a local flood---or a global flood either. Both camps have to
    ignore/bend Scripture and scientific data to make their theory fit.

    If you do not want to ignore/bend Scripture and scientific data, the question
    becomes, Is the Black Sea flood the event that gave rise to the account in
    Gen 6-9? I think it is possible; but prefer a local Mesopotamian flood as
    the originating event because of the close relationship between the
    Mesopotamian and biblical accounts, and because the Mesopotamian Flood
    traditions have links to Mesopotamian history-- in particular, to rulers of
    Mesopotamian cities; and, that does not fit a Black Sea scenario.

    Paul S.

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