On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 05:28:32 EDT RDehaan237@aol.com writes:
>I too read the book, and found it more credible than Glenn's flood
>theory. [snip] There are too many problems with Glenn's theory, not the
>least of which is that there is no way to verify his highly problematic
>that human life existed in the desiccated, scorching basin of the Med
>it was refilled.
There are significant lacks of correspondence with both basin fillings
and the Genesis account of the Flood. For instance, both basins are
still full, while Genesis 8:3 says "The water receded steadily from the
earth", and Gen 8:13 says "By the first day of the first month of Noah's
six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth."
How can anyone possibly reconcile Scriptures such at this which are so
clear with the Med or Black Sea filling?
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