RE: Noah's flood

From: Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 09:14:57 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Homo erectus genes in us"


    My latest issue of the National Geographic arrived yesterday. It contains
    an article that also touches on the flooding of the Black Sea with sea water
    from the Mediterranean. Not a very detailed coverage, though.

    Chuck Vandergraaf

            Sent: Wednesday June 21, 2000 10:32 AM
            Subject: Noah's flood

            Dear list,

            You may have already discussed this reference, but since Noah's
    flood is a
            recurring theme on this list, I'l go ahead and mention it. In a
            _Smithsonian_ (Apr 2000), James Trefil reviews a book by William
    Ryan and
            Walter Pitman called _Noah's Flood_. These geologists discuss their
            findings in the Black Sea, which indicate a large flood occurred
            about 7500 years ago. In a scene reminiscent of the filling of the
            Mediteranean, the Black Sea level was raised when melting glaciers
            the Mediteranean to empty into it. This caused major flooding of
            northern area of the Black Sea.

            This possible scientific explanation of Noah's flood is intriguing.
            Although a local flood a few hundred miles north of Ararat, it is
    closer in
            time and geography to the apparent time and place of the biblical
            than Glenn's model of the Mediteranean flood. How would you
    evaluate a
            Black Sea flood story, Glenn? Have others read this book and do you
            it a helpful contribution to the flood debate?


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