RE: ideas / suggestions?

From: Kuentz, Michael \(M.\) (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 10:55:26 EDT

  • Next message: Kuentz, Michael \(M.\): "RE: Way OT: ideas / suggestions?"

    First off, I'd tell the guy who shot the footage to edit it himself. You
    could call him on it and ask what he recommends you do with the footage (and
    then you can tell him where to put it). But another way of handling it is to
    apply 3D Warp to the entire length of video (or just those pieces you plan
    on using in the final edit), rotate the image 90 CW - tell your friend it
    looks like sh*t 'cause that's the way they shot it - and do a mixdown of the
    effected elements. Then use that mixdown in your final edit.

    Once this rotation is done, apply a 1/4 outside vertical wipe to the whole
    project and call it a new "MTV" style of letterbox.

    Michael K. Kuentz
    Sr. Editor
    Ford Motor Company / FCSD
    Allen Park, MI 48101
    (313) 317-7413 edit
    "Happiness Is a Warm Avid" - Director James Cameron

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Skelton, Kim []
    Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 9:11 AM
    Subject: ideas / suggestions?

    I had a friend bring in a home video to edit for a project he is working on.
    It was shot with a Sony Hi-8 (home user model #?) As I was digitizing it I
    noticed that the majority of the footage was shot sideways. The guy behind
    the camera told him that the editor could fix it.

    I know I can rotate it in After Effects and resize it but I am talking about
    20 minutes worth of footage here. I looked for away to rotate it in Xpress
    2.2 but could only get it to flip - flop or just flip!

    Is there any suggestions? I finally suggested that I go with him to
    re-shoot the film.

    Any hints and ideas are appreciated.


    Kim Skelton
    Media Coordinator
    Smullin Health Center / Asante Health System
    fax 541-680-5853

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