Way OT: ideas / suggestions?

From: Wilson Chao (wilsonchao@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 10:55:29 EDT

  • Next message: Kuentz, Michael \(M.\): "RE: ideas / suggestions?"

    Kim Skelton wrote:

    ... I had a friend bring in a home video to edit for a project he is working
    on. It was shot with a Sony Hi-8 (home user model #?) As I was digitizing
    it I noticed that the majority of the footage was shot sideways. The guy
    behind the camera told him that the editor could fix it.
    ... Is there any suggestions? I finally suggested that I go with him to
    re-shoot the film. Any hints and ideas are appreciated.


         You could turn all your monitors sideways while you edit the show.
    Then give your "friend" a VHS dub and tell him to rotate it 90 degrees
    before inserting it in the player. ;-)

         Best regards,
         Wilson Chao
         Cambridge Television Productions
         Boston, MA USA

    p.s. I learned about this a few years ago when I edited a show shot in
    China. Naturally, all the pictures were upside down [I was editing in the
    U.S.] so I had to insert the tapes upside down in the player to make them
    look correct.

    p.p.s. Also the people in the tapes were speaking Chinese, and I couldn't
    understand them when listening on my American TV. However, I remember being
    in Hong Kong a few years back, and seeing "I Love Lucy" on a Chinese TV,
    with the characters speaking *in Chinese*. So, for this project I had a
    Chinese TV shipped to the U.S., and when I played the tapes on it, everybody
    was speaking English.

    You're welcome... That's what the "L" is for.

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