Re: Ubiquitous humans

From: glenn morton (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 15:55:53 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Imago Dei"

    At 07:14 AM 3/4/00 -0500, George Murphy wrote:
    > It may be worth pointing out that in his _Rocks of Ages_ Gould takes Draper
    >& White to task for promulgating the myth that the earth was generally
    believed to
    >be flat in Columbus' time. Gould is more even handed in his criticisms of
    (as he sees
    >it) transgressions on one another's territories by science & religion than
    >might expect him to be.

    I would want to point out that the myth of a flat earth, while not held by
    the intelligentsia, who left all the written records, may very well have
    been held to by the general populace. Phillip Johnson is fond of citing
    the 1991 Gallup poll. He says:

    "According to a 1991 Gallup poll, 47 per cent of a national sample agreed
    with the following statement: "God created mankind in pretty much our
    present form sometime within the last 10,000 years." DArwinisms Rules of
    Reasoning, accessed 1998.

    The vast majority of the scientific texts written today would most
    assuredly not reflect the societal reality that exists today--that almost
    half of the American people believe that mankind is less than 10,000 years
    old and has no relationship with the apes. Future historians, 500 to 1000
    years hence, will most assuredly conclude that no one today really believed
    that mankind was only 10,000 years old.

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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