Re: Ubiquitous humans

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 07:14:15 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "ID" wrote:
    > Russel points out that no one questioned the sphericity of the earth; only
    > that if you sailed too far down the curve, you might not be able to sail back
    > up again. This and the rest of the book makes the paragraph above from White
    > into a half-truth at best, albeit, the antipodes are another story. Russell
    > does discuss White and others who promulgated the myth that Christians
    > believed in a flat earth: only a very small minority did. .................

            It may be worth pointing out that in his _Rocks of Ages_ Gould takes Draper
    & White to task for promulgating the myth that the earth was generally believed to
    be flat in Columbus' time. Gould is more even handed in his criticisms of (as he sees
    it) transgressions on one another's territories by science & religion than some
    might expect him to be.

    George L. Murphy

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