Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 22:27:01 EST

  • Next message: George Andrews: "Re: TIME BEFORE TIME"

    On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 15:44:03 -0700 "John W. Burgeson"
    <> writes:
    > Dave wrote: " The price for a changing deity is abandonment of
    > omniscience,
    > a deity which can be surprised by events, one which may not be able
    > to
    > keep things from going to smash."
    > Why does positing a God who fits the above bother some people so
    > much?
    > Seems to me that God WAS surprised a number of times as events
    > unfolded
    > as described in the Old Testament.
    > If I am unable to "surprise" God (by doing something bizarre, for
    > instance), then I must conclude I am without free will and hence a
    > robot
    > made of meat.
    > I think not.
    > Burgy
    This is a common belief, but it confuses the characteristics of the
    infinite with finite existence. An analogy is the very different results
    of arithmetic functions in connection with real, imaginary and even
    modular numbers and as applied to the transfinite numbers. The most
    straightforward discussion of the matter that I know is Dorothy Sayers,
    _The Mind of the Maker_. MacKay also dealt with aspects of the matter,
    but I do not recall where, and I did not think his treatment as


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