Re: the "image of God"

From: Arthur V. Chadwick (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 11:25:28 EST

  • Next message: Arthur V. Chadwick: "Re: Eve"

    At 01:55 AM 02/14/2000 -0500, David Campbell wrote:
    >Mark Twain claimed that man was the only animal that blushes-or needs

    I once observed a squirrel running along a log. When he came to the end,
    he (it had to be a "he") jumped across a gap to an adjacent log, and
    missed. He fell to the ground, sat there a moment, then "sheepishly looked
    around to see if anyone was watching. Having seen no observers, he hopped
    back up on the log and continued merrily along. Other than the obvious
    anthropomorphisms, he was "blushing". I have seen other animals "blush"
    when they were "embarassed". I wouldn't be as sanguine as Twain about the

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