Re: Eve

From: Massie (
Date: Sun Feb 13 2000 - 21:09:01 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: worshipping an oil company"

    It is not that clear in Chapt I as I read it--while she is not mentioned by
    name she is mentioned generically as man and women. Bert M.

    glenn morton wrote:

    > At 08:09 PM 2/13/00 -0500, Massie wrote:
    > >Was Eve created on the sixth day?
    > >
    > >Is this clear?
    > I don't see Eve's name in the account of the sixth day. I do see Eve in
    > Chapter 2 but not Chapter 1. So it isn't as clear as you might think. I
    > believe that Chapter 1 is merely the proclamation of what the world would
    > be like in six events prior to the origin of the universe. So Eve wasn't
    > created on the sixth day, it was proclaimed that she would exist on that
    > 'day'.
    > glenn
    > Foundation, Fall and Flood
    > Adam, Apes and Anthropology
    > Lots of information on creation/evolution

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