Re: Fw: Trying again

From: glenn morton (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 16:00:48 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Fw: Trying again"

    At 01:07 PM 2/11/00 -0700, wrote:
    >As for the Ona, they may have lost the concept of a transcendent power
    >and a destiny beyond this life, but they had a mountain god who had to be
    >placated by what they didn't do, nature spirits of some sort, shamans who
    >could control matters by some power beyond that possessed by the common
    >run. These are all elements of religion, though of a very degenerate

    I would point out that the respect for the mountain was not the respect for
    a god but for a fellow being. Bridges pointed that out elsewhere in his book

    Foundation, Fall and Flood
    Adam, Apes and Anthropology

    Lots of information on creation/evolution

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