Re: Fw: Trying again

From: David Campbell (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 12:06:02 EST

  • Next message: Russell Maatman: "Fw: Trying again"

    > I understand your general point. But my general point is that we must begin with
    the idea that those who bear God's image are those who descend from Adam.

    Physical descent, as opposed to spiritual descent, would be hard to prove
    necessary. Spiritual continuity is much more important Biblically, as in "it is
    those who are of faith that are sons of Abraham" (Gal. 3:7). I am inclined to
    think physical descent from Adam of all those in God's image is correct, but am
    not convinced that it is proven.

    > I'm claiming that going in the reverse direction, that is, relating some of
    these consequences to beings not otherwise known to be human, and then claiming
    that they are therefore human, is fallacious.

    But they are not otherwise known not to be human, either. Also, what prevents
    Adam from having been ancestral to all these early hominoids?

    David C.

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