Re: upgrades

Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 18:45:33 EST

  • Next message: Jeff Sengpiehl: "Re: sensitivity"


    Upgrading a 9500 or 9600 system to a G3 card is not supported. The only G3
    options we support involve the G3 towers, such as the 333 mHz "Beige" tower, the
    Blue and White and now the G4 tower.

    Despite the above, I do occasionally speak to customers in the support center
    here who do have G3 upgrade cards in their 9500s and 9600s, and they have
    reported to me that this for the most part works fine. On the other hand, I have
    also spoken to customers that have told me that doing such an upgrade has caused
    boot problems, and in one case, a customer told me that all their media turned
    to green ( a problem that went away when the G3 card was removed).

    I cannot tell you what to do with your own system, however it's my
    responsibility to properly inform you of what is "blessed" by Avid and what is
    not. I'm afraid that this configuration is one that Avid does not support. It is
    also my responsibility to discourage you from trying it, as I have little
    information available to me as to what potential repercussions there could be
    should you try it. If however you should try it, and if it should work, then I
    will be delighted to hear that the system is flexible enough to handle it, and I
    bid you happy editing. If it does not work, remove it. But as far as the
    official Avid stand on such a work flow: unsupported.

    I hope this helps.
    Matt Schneider
    Avid Tech Support

    "Skelton, Kim" <> on 02/07/2000 12:35:17 PM

     cc: (bcc: Matthew Schneider/AM/Avid)
     Subject: upgrades

    I forgot to ask if anyone could give me information about upgrading the 9600
    / 200 to the G3 card. What is the exact upgrade? Does it work with the
    Xpress 2.2 and the hardware on it? And finally, how much is it?

    I appreciate all input, good or bad. Thanks again.

    Kim Skelton
    Media Coordinator
    Smullin Health Center / Asante Health System
    fax 541-680-5853

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