Re: Thanks.....

From: Jace Anderson (
Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 12:04:22 EST

  • Next message: "Re: sensitivity"

    Yes Kim, but now you need to go to sensitivity training to get that "boss
    lady" out of your vernacular.

    jace in omaha

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Skelton, Kim <>
    To: <>
    Date: Monday, February 07, 2000 9:50 AM
    Subject: Thanks.....

    >Thank you to all. I have the keyboard problem solved. I guess I need to
    >watch my grammar as well as my punctuation!
    >A special thanks to you, Wilson Chao, for pointing out the obvious about
    >letting the inexperienced play with the Avid. I have been telling the boss
    >lady that all along.
    >Funny that you mentioned backing up to a 2 gig Jazz drive. I have had it
    >order since last September. The lady who does the ordering for the
    >department has blown it off each month. I guess this is a good example why
    >it would be nice to have it.
    >Once again thanks to all.
    >BTW....Only one exclamation point.
    >Kim Skelton
    >Media Coordinator
    >Smullin Health Center / Asante Health System
    >fax 541-680-5853

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