Re: info!

From: Wilson Chao (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 02:24:46 EST

  • Next message: "Re: info!"

    Kim Skelton wrote:

    Hi to all! I have a request! One of the techs here decided to play around
    with the Avid! In doing so he lost the audio CD portion of the OS! In
    trying to get it back up and going we lost QT 3.0! I am going to install QT
    4.03 but had to ask if anyone knows if there is problems with QT 4.03 and
    these applications.....AE 3.1 and Xpress 2.2. At the present time I am not
    able to run either program! Any advice would be helpful!


         Here's my advice:

    1) Don't let ignorant people "play around with the Avid".

    2) When restoring a crashed system, use the software that worked the last
    time. Don't try anything new until you're back where you started.

    3) Buy yourself a little SCSI drive -- you can find a remaindered 2 GB drive
    for under $100. Use it to backup your boot drive. The next time you mess
    up your system, boot the backup drive and keep on editing. During your next
    coffee break, restore your boot drive.

    4) Your keyboard has a stuck exclamation point. Give it a sharp whack with
    a stick and it should come unstuck.

         Best regards,
         Wilson Chao
         Cambridge Television Productions
         Boston, MA USA
    Get Your Private, Free Email at

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