Re: Baptism: Immersion or Sprinkling?

From: George Murphy (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 19:45:16 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "Re: Baptism: Immersion or Sprinkling?" wrote:
    > In a message dated 01/26/2000 5:09:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > << One Sunday, the minister was giving a sermon on baptism and in the course
    > of his sermon he was illustrating the fact that baptism could take place by
    > sprinkling and not by immersion. >>
    > It reminds me of an occasion here in Portland where a couple in an
    > interdenominational church wanted their baby baptized, but most of the
    > congregation was Baptist. So before baptizing the infant the pastor gave an
    > "explanation" as to why infant baptism was OK. To which one of the Baptists
    > leaned over to me and said, "I guess what he is going to do is wishy-washy
    > the baby."

    "But seriously folks ..."
    Such an explanation will be wishy washy only if the pastor doesn't understand
    the essence of baptism - that it's God's action & thus not dependent upon the
    intellectual level of the person baptized.
                                                    In statu confessionis,

    George L. Murphy

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