Re: almost life

From: Arthur V. Chadwick (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 14:49:22 EST

  • Next message: James Mahaffy: "Problems with poll"

    At 08:45 PM 01/24/2000 +0000, glenn morton wrote:
    >At 06:42 PM 1/24/00 -0800, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
    >>At 10:05 PM 01/22/2000 +0000, Glenn wrote:
    >>>Over last weekend I finished reading THe Fifth Miracle by Paul Davies. It
    >>>is a fascinating, popular level account of the search for the origin of
    >>>life. He reports some fascinating information about RNA research which
    >>>comes very close to creating life in the testtube. I will quote him at
    >>This is a good example of what haoppens whe a physicist starts talking
    >>about molecular biology. He doesn't have a clue.
    >Give evidence not opinion. :-)

    Robert Bateman has already done that insofar as your review is concerned.
    His lack of understanding in this area is abysmal. This is not to say he
    is not a great physicist. That is what he should be talking about. My
    best friend here is a brilliant theoretical nuclear physicist. He is all
    the time dabbling in biology. But he has no formal understanding of the
    discipline, and makes great leaps of logic. I try to encourage him to
    stick to physics.

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