
From: Robert Wahl (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 00:43:57 EST

  • Next message: Adam Crowl: "Re: concordism/time"


    Haven't been on for a year or so, but I still read your posts.

    I would like to announce some good news to you guys. You may or may not
    have heard of the Alpha Course, the evangelistic course in basic
    Christianity that has been rapidly growing the world over.

    Nikki Gumbel of the Anglican Church is currently the main figure behind
    Alpha. He writes about what he thinks Christians should say to seekers who
    wonder about science. (Although he says not many do.) He says that science
    is not really in conflict with the Bible and then goes on to say that
    evolutionary change and an ancient earth are not antithetical to the Bible,
    essentially the kind of view that most ASAers could live with. I don't
    think he wants to wade into our debate, but the fact is that hundreds of
    thousands of people are being won to Christ through Nikki Gumbel and Alpha
    should at least signal a future receptivity to faith-inspiring non-YEC views.

    We should be careful to handle this opportunity with care. My biggest fear
    is that someone will do something to cause backlash against Alpha. I
    don't plan to start a bragging around church. I'd be happy with just a
    little wider acceptance of my views. O.E. Wilson says that scientists who
    are people of faith can't fully participate in either world. By the grace
    of God perhaps that won't be true after all.

    God Bless

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