Re: concordism/time

From: Massie (
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 11:58:42 EST

  • Next message: "Re: concordism/time"

    gordon brown wrote:
    > The subject of the beginning of time was discussed long before the
    > discoveries of modern science. If I correctly recall my reading of
    > Augustine's Confessions, Augustine addressed the question of what God was
    > doing before He created the universe. Apparently skeptics of his day asked
    > this with the intention of following it up by asking why He didn't create
    > it sooner. Augustine indicates that some people answered that He was
    > creating hell for those who pried into mysteries, but he disapproves of
    > giving such an answer. Instead he says that the question is meaningless
    > because God created time along with everything else, and so there was no
    > such thing as time before the creation.
    > Gordon Brown
    > Department of Mathematics
    > University of Colorado
    > Boulder, CO 80309-0395
    > On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, James W Stark wrote:
    > > I have found nothing in science or the Bible that establishes with much
    > > logical force that there was a beginning for time. It can be a useful
    > > assumption, if one chooses to use it. I find that it creates too many
    > > additional conflicts in my personal worldview, but I remain open to
    > > questioning that assumption. Thanks for the feedback.

    Exactly. "When" does not really have a meaning for God as he always was
    and always will be. Bert M.

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