[Fwd: Re: concordism/time]

From: Massie (mrlab@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 11:31:33 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "Re: concordism/time"

    attached mail follows:

    George Andrews wrote:
    > Massie wrote:
    > > Dick Fischer wrote:
    > > >
    > > > Jim Stark wrote:
    > > >
    > > > >Could someone explain the logic of interpretation that asserts time was
    > > > >created? "In the beginning" implies the beginning position of a sequence of
    > > > >events in time. It does not appear to assert that the position has to be
    > > > >zero for time. What was created was space and matter.
    > > >
    > > > Current Big Bang theory asserts that tme, space, matter and energy all
    > > > commenced at the singularity. None of the four entities can exist prior to
    > > > the Big Bang event. Time is motion dependent.
    > > >
    > > > Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution - www.orisol.com
    > > > "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."
    > > ***************
    > >
    > > Further, according to the General Theory of Relativity, time and space
    > > had to have a beginning. If we acc ept both Gen 1:1 and GTR, then it
    > > makes good reason to understand t=0 as "In the beginning God created
    > > space-time...." Bert M.
    > Many Hebrew scholars believe the Hebrew of the opening verse of Genesis starts out
    > with a dependent clause (e.g., Speiser; The Anchor Bible: Genesis), with verse two
    > being parenthetic. Additionally, this is the same grammatical structure as Enuma
    > elish. Thus, the opening verses have nothing to do with the creation of time in the
    > sense of modern physics but simply begin the creation story in a linguistically
    > naturally way: "When God set about to create heaven and earth - the world being
    > then a formless waste, with darkness over the seas ....", Speiser.
    > Why not leave modern science out of Genesis? It simply doesn't belong there.
    > George A.
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------
    > Name: gandrews.vcf
    > Part 1.2 Type: text/x-vcard
    > Encoding: 7bit
    > Description: Card for George Andrews

    Why not stick out head in the sand. Modern science has valid findings
    and you believe in them and use them every day such as the internet.
    No, one should not stick ones head in the sand and ignore modern science
    and the (true) findings as they help us understand the scripture. No, I
    am not placing science over the Bible, but, it the instance of the few
    words in Genesis, there is a great deal of controversy as to what the
    words mean. Bert M

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