[Fwd: Re: concordism/time]

From: Massie (mrlab@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 22:11:17 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: The importance of concordism"

    attached mail follows:

    Dick Fischer wrote:
    > Jim Stark wrote:
    > >However, evidence is gathering
    > >that it (the speed of light) may have been much faster in the past.
    > Oh, really? Explain why the speed of light is identical when it comes from
    > deep space having traveled 10 billion light-years or so, or coming from own
    > sun with 8 minutes worth of transit time, or coming from your own light
    > bulb. All light, old or new, travels at the same speed. Also, name a
    > mechanism that would cause a slow down in the speed of light.
    > Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution - www.orisol.com
    > "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."

    For you non-physicists let me let you in on a little piece of useful
    information. The constant C, the speed of light, occurs and comes up
    all over. For example, it controls the wavelength of light emitted by
    various processes in stars. Thus, if C were different at a distant (and
    we do understand that we mean ancient as well since it take time for th
    light to get here) we would see different spectral lines. And so forth
    and for example it occurs in E = mc^2.


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