Re: concordism/time

From: Massie (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 22:54:54 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: The importance of concordism"

    Dick Fischer wrote:
    > Jim Stark wrote:
    > >Could someone explain the logic of interpretation that asserts time was
    > >created? "In the beginning" implies the beginning position of a sequence of
    > >events in time. It does not appear to assert that the position has to be
    > >zero for time. What was created was space and matter.
    > Current Big Bang theory asserts that tme, space, matter and energy all
    > commenced at the singularity. None of the four entities can exist prior to
    > the Big Bang event. Time is motion dependent.
    > Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
    > "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."

    Further, according to the General Theory of Relativity, time and space
    had to have a beginning. If we acc ept both Gen 1:1 and GTR, then it
    makes good reason to understand t=0 as "In the beginning God created
    space-time...." Bert M.

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