Re: AIDS questions

From: Massie (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 21:17:48 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: AIDS questions"

    glenn morton wrote:
    > At 07:12 PM 1/7/00 -0500, Massie wrote:
    > >Excuse me but I can somehow remember scriptures about not judging
    > >others. While we can and should judge actions we are commaned to not
    > >judge others. Somehow these kind of statements I hear from YEC's such
    > >as "your from the devil" cry out as judgemental.
    > What a misunderstanding of Scripture. By this standard we couldn't put
    > theives in jail. The Bible says :
    > Judge not, that you be not judged. 2For with what judgment you judge, you
    > will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
    > Since I read young-earth books all the time as well as science books of all
    > stripes, I am quite willing to be judged by the standard I set! And If you
    > would read more closely, I condemned my own behavior when I was a YEC. I am
    > not condemning them without also condemning myself! So get off your high
    > horse and join the real world.
    > >
    > >There is a big difference with saying " I believe your thinking is
    > >wrong" and "I believe you are from the devil" My exprience with them is
    > >that passing condemation on those who disagree is part of the party
    > >line.
    > You forget something Bert, I was once a young-earth creationist. I
    > hobnobbed with biggie YECs like Slusher, Barnes, Howe, Gish, Austin, etc. I
    > know that when I would ask if they had read a particular book which argued
    > against their views more often than not, they hadn't read it. I had. So,
    > why won't you let the voice of experience (someone who has been in both
    > camps) speak of that experience.
    > glenn
    > Foundation, Fall and Flood
    > Adam, Apes and Anthropology
    > Lots of information on creation/evolution
    No I have not forgoten your experiences and nor have I forgotten being
    told I was going to hell for my view and you do not speak for all YEC or
    have the universal handle on all that these people are. Bert

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