Re: AIDS questions

From: glenn morton (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 12:54:56 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "Re: AIDS questions"

    At 12:28 PM 1/7/00 -0700, Kamilla Ludwig wrote:
    >So now I have one more question. What planet are these folks living on?
    I can
    >understand disagreements over data interpretation, etc., but if what you all
    >have told me is true, the AIDS skeptics are the same sorts of agenda-driven,
    >science blind dogmatic folk they aim to criticise.

    Absolutely. And that is the problem with much of what christians say is
    >That's what I get for reading too much of one side of the issue.

    And this is an even worse problem. Christian laity of the conservative
    bent rarely wants to read stuff that tells them that they are wrong. And so
    they hear only one side of the creation/evolution area. Then their leaders
    tell them that anyone who disagrees with us is of the Devil, has let
    darkness overtake their thinking (something said of me by John Baumgardner
    recently) or they are brainwashed. Under no circumstances is one to believe
    than outsiders can be trusted or believed.

     When I was a young-earth creationist, I didn't want to read stuff I had no
    answer for either--and I didn't. Hearing only one side of the coin is
    exactly how cults maintain control over their members. Their leaders don't
    want to think about other alternatives and they don't want their followers
    hearing anything negative either. The only way to combat such control by
    someone is to read both sides of an issue.


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