[Fwd: Re: Behe and common descent]

From: Massie (mrlab@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 10:16:19 EST

  • Next message: dfsiemensjr@juno.com: "Re: PJ and AIDS"

    attached mail follows:

    Behe is about the standard theory of evolution not facing the real
    challenges of biochemistry. From biochemistry he points to some very
    complex tiny mechanisms and processes which are very, very complex. He
    argues that these are "irruducibly complex", that is, they cannot
    function with less parts and that the parts are very complex.
    Therefore, there is no credible gradualism by means of random mutation
    way to explain their existence.

    There is a proposal that this high level of almost instanteous
    information had to come from a source other then time-intensive
    randomness. Therefore it is proposed that we consider a source and call
    it a "desinger."

    Behe is not about "young earth" creationism or about common descent but
    about mechanisms.

    Remember that science must have the property according to some of being
    falsifieble and he is arguing that the standard theory of evolutionism
    is false.

    Bert M.

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