Very revealing book: Darwinism Defeated

From: Joel Cannon (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 08:30:17 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "[Fwd: Re: Behe and common descent]"

    For those who are interested in ID and Phillip Johson in particular, I
    highly recommend,

    Darwinism Defeated: The Johnson-Lamoureux Debates on Biological
    Origins, Regent College Publishing (1999)

    It is the only substantive published critique of Johnson's biology
    that I am aware of, and possibly one of the few critiques to which
    Johnson can respond (in contrast to Stephen Gould's useless critique
    in Scientific American). Lamoureux is a Christian who has Ph.D.'s in
    evolutionary biology and theology, a background that should be very
    useful to the Christian community in this situation.

    I will post a review in a subsequent post.

    If I recall correctly, its price was about 13$ (hope I am not too far off).

    You can obtain it by calling the Regent College Bookstore
    (1-800-663-8664) or on-line at (I received my copy on
    Christmas dat 1 day after I ordered it from Amazon!).

    Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
    Physics Department |
    Washington and Jefferson College |
    Washington, PA 15301 |

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