Re: Fw: New anthropology discovery

From: George Murphy (
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 07:06:30 EST

  • Next message: Guy Blanchet: "Re: Observer/ Vatican theologians say 'prudent yes' to GM foods" wrote:
    > In a message dated 1/2/2000 10:51:05 PM, writes:
    > << The specialness of humanity is indeed an important biblical theme & I think
    > just an empirical fact as well. But if we recognize that God's purpose for
    > creation
    > & salvation extends beyond humanity & includes the whole of creation ("all
    > things"),
    > I think some of the alarm some Christians feel about being related to other
    > species
    > can be assuaged. >>
    > George,
    > Will you spell out in more detail what the empirical facts are that point to
    > the specialness of humanity?

            We're lots, lots smarter than chimpanzees, dogs, dolphins &c & are able to
    exert much greater influence on the physical world than they can. That can be said
    without making any claim that no other animals have any intelligence at all, or that
    they are completely without any technological capability.

    George L. Murphy

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