Re: Fw: New anthropology discovery

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 22:51:30 EST

  • Next message: "RE: PJ and AIDS"

    glenn morton wrote:
    > I think we need both evolution AND revelation. God clearly says that we are
    > a special creation, and indeed, mankind is unique among all the animals
    > that have ever lived. If we are not a special creation then I would find
    > some problems with many aspects of Chrisitian theology.
    > On the other hand, for Christians to continue to ignore genetic data in
    > order to maintain an anti-evolutionary position, seems to fall into the
    > case of burying our heads so that we don't see how our views don't match
    > reality. .........................
            The specialness of humanity is indeed an important biblical theme & I think
    just an empirical fact as well. But if we recognize that God's purpose for creation
    & salavtion extends beyond humanity & includes the whole of creation ("all things"),
    I think some of the alarm some Christians feel about being related to other species
    can be assuaged. Shalom,

    George L. Murphy

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