Re: PJ & the ID concept

From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Fri Dec 31 1999 - 19:20:19 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Exceptional Measures"

    Allan Harvey brought me up to date on the Jonathan Wells case in an off
    line email. This is my response. Allan wrote:

    "Maybe you were away a few weeks ago. I am referring to the situation
    with Jonathan Wells ... ."

    Interesting. I know very little about the Moonies; what little I do
    know leads me to a (tentative) conclusion paralleling yours. But...

    Has anyone asked Wells directly about this?

    It is hard to fathom what is in the mind of a person joining ASA as a
    Perhaps he did not read the faith statement carefully enough? Perhaps he
    read it and decided, in honesty, that he qualified OK? Perhaps there is
    yet another explanation we've not thought of? What does he say?

    I just looked at the faith statement again; although the case for the
    looks strong, I've not yet heard from the defense. Without so hearing,
    I'd have to, as a juror, vote not guilty.

    If Wells chooses to stand mute, the case is harder. But I'd still vote
    not guilty in that situation. The accusation that someone deliberately
    lied in this instance is a strong one, and demands a stronger case. IMHO
    of course. And confrontation of the issue with Wells at an appropriate
    opportunity is very much in order.

    Happy new year.


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