Re: re:bible ethics
glenn morton (
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 20:27:33 +0000
At 09:04 AM 12/10/99 -0500, Moorad Alexanian wrote:
>The last I remember, the Garden of Eden occurred before the birth of Christ.
>God dwelled with Adam and Eve who learned much from that interaction. All
>that is known about God and His laws were passed throughout the rest of
>humanity through that early encounter. Why are we, therefore, surprised to
>see evidence of such teachings all over the world? I don't get it!
Hi Moorad,
I don't think you will really hold to that position if you think about it
abit. If all that we know of God was from the encounter in the GArden, then
who was it that met with Moses on Sinai and carved the original tablets?
Who was it that met with Job? Who was it that met with Jesus on the Mount
of Transfiguration?
Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Lots of information on creation/evolution