Re: Where has the church has had to change

Ken Sewell (
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 09:12:20 -0600

At 11:16 AM 12/10/1999 -0700, wrote:
>On Fri, 10 Dec 1999 01:37:04 -0600 Ken Sewell <>
>in response to
>> The wording of "what the Bible requires" is the issue. The teaching
>> of
>> Heliocentric verses Geocentric is not and never was a Bible issue.
>> It is a
>> result of men teaching as religion what they think science taught.
>> Just as
>> bad a men teaching what they think religion says as science. We must
>> be
>> very careful when doing either to make sure we are not teaching
>> assumptions
>> as facts. Science keeps changing as we delve into its mysteries, and
>> every
>> time I read through the Bible, I find a new thought.
>IMO Ken overlooks one simple fact, that every verse in scripture involves
>interpretation. The standard early understanding of Psalm 93:1 and 96:10
>involves geocentrism. That it concurred with Aristotle's view does not
>warrant Ken's claim.
>No question, every verse does require interpretation which must depend
upon context. It is common in our language to speak of the setting and
rising sun when we all know we don't live in a geocentric universe. It is
just man's way of speaking and we all understand this. The YECees read Gen.
1 as a literal interpretation, but you and I won't bind that on others or
even accept their viewpoint. We must not read more into a verse than is
really there.
Ken Sewell