Re: Evolutionary mechanism GOOD??
George Murphy (
Tue, 05 Jan 1999 06:29:46 -0500
Mark Phillips wrote:
> If one accepts the Evolutionary Creationist position that life as we
> know it was created by God through evolution, one must also accept the
> mechanisms involved as being good. In Genesis 1 we see that God was
> very pleased with his creation process, observing how good it was all
> the way through.
> It doesn't take very much zoological study to realize that the life we
> see is very much reliant on death and suffering. The entire food
> chain is based on the death of animals lower down on the chain to
> provide nourishment for animals higher up the chain. In order for the
> lion to live, she must devour the deer - a painful and horrific
> experience for the deer.
> Not only is this death and suffering a necessary part of the status
> quo of life today, it was also necessary in the very development of
> life. The reason the deer is so quick on its feet today is that less
> quick ancient relatives were devoured.
> We also observe human suffering today which is the direct result of
> the mechanisms of genetics. Genetics is responsible for quite a bit
> of variation of offspring. Sometimes this results in people with big
> noses or eyes which are two close together etc etc. These people are
> viewed as less attractive and thus are less likely to find a mate.
> The more extreme the abnormality, the more unattractive they appear
> and the greater the chance that they won't breed. This mechanism
> ensures that the human race stays relatively healthy and functional,
> but it comes at a cost. How many people have suffered great pain
> because the variation of genetics dealt them a body which was not
> attractive?
> It is one thing to say that all this pain and suffering we observe is
> the result of the fall. It is quite another thing to say that this
> "life", and the creation of it, is precisely what God refered to as
> "good".
> Would anyone with a Evolutionary Creationist perspective care to
> answer the above objection?
My ride to the airport will be arriving soon & I've still got to get dressed!
So quickly, take a look at the exchange between myself and Fred Van Dyke in the March &
June 1986 Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation) (now Perspectives on Science &
Christian Faith) - one piece by each of us in each issue. In his 2d he raises some of
the same claims you do & I respond (successfully I think!). Briefly, creation of life
via suffering extinction &c bears the same mark as resurrection of the crucified,
justification of the ungodly & creation out of nothing.
George L. Murphy