Re: Evolutionary mechanism GOOD??

David Sanderson (
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 09:18:41 -0800

I share your questions and would like to add some. I also would
be interested in reading the articles from previous Journals
that George Murphy referred to.

1) Did Adam, before sin, have the possibility of death? If he had
fallen off a tall cliff wouldn't he have experienced death as he
violated the laws of nature? If not, then would he simply have
dusted himself off and said, "That was fun!" I suspect he was
born with a life span, life expectancy right from the start.

2) The predator/prey relationship. Wasn't it part of God's original
design? We marvel at the eco-system's inter-relatedness and
this includes a marvelous selection and adaptation mechanism.
This seems unlikely to begin only after the fall? Wouldn't that make
the devil the author of the predator/prey relationship we now see?

3) Adam's death when he disobeyed was immediate, Genesis 2:7
NRSV "for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." Yet his death,
physical, was not immediate. Which leads me to believe that he
suffered a spiritual death immediately and his natural death came
in its time.

Being new to this list I am not wanting to go over issues that may
have been given in-depth treatment before I came on board, but when
Mark raised this issue, it is one that I had raised on another Christian
list receiving zero responses. I think this list more likely to deal with

this topic. Any help is appreciated.

David Sanderson
Concord, MA

PS: Hi to Glenn Morton!
On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 17:26:05 +1030 Mark Phillips
<> writes:
>If one accepts the Evolutionary Creationist position that life as we
>know it was created by God through evolution, one must also accept the
>mechanisms involved as being good. In Genesis 1 we see that God was
>very pleased with his creation process, observing how good it was all
>the way through.
>It doesn't take very much zoological study to realize that the life we
>see is very much reliant on death and suffering. The entire food
>chain is based on the death of animals lower down on the chain to
>provide nourishment for animals higher up the chain. In order for the
>lion to live, she must devour the deer - a painful and horrific
>experience for the deer.
>Not only is this death and suffering a necessary part of the status
>quo of life today, it was also necessary in the very development of
>life. The reason the deer is so quick on its feet today is that less
>quick ancient relatives were devoured.
>It is one thing to say that all this pain and suffering we observe is
>the result of the fall. It is quite another thing to say that this
>"life", and the creation of it, is precisely what God refered to as
>Would anyone with a Evolutionary Creationist perspective care to
>answer the above objection?
> "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!"