Re: Debate with Moorad

John W Burgeson (
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 12:45:41 -0700

I wrote:

">Give me an example situation where I'm wrong, Glenn. I can think of

Glenn wrote:

Evolution itself. It is the only naturalistic explanation for the origin
of life, if not on this world, then on some other world and we were

If evolution is not the only naturalistic explanation for the origin of
life, then tell us what is the naturalistic alternative to the
origin and development of life?

If all living animals were to be found as fossils at the
Cambrian/Precambrian boundary, there would be NO evolution."

Glenn Glenn Glenn!

You lost the train of our discussion!!!

I was Moorad who wrote something like you say wrote when you said:

"It (evolution) is the only naturalistic explanation for the origin
of life, if not on this world, then on some other world and we were

And I was defending his POV against you!

When you say,

"If evolution is not the only naturalistic explanation for the origin of
life, then tell us what is the naturalistic alternative to the
origin and development of life?"

you are coming back to ME with a question I asked YOU! Egad!

That's not bad enough. You conclude by writing:

"If all living animals were to be found as fossils at the
Cambrian/Precambrian boundary, there would be NO evolution."

and so we come full circle. I don't really know what you mean by the
above. So I'll let it pass.

Moorad's POV, with which I concur, is that "evolution-in-the-full-sense",
including abiogenesis, is the ONLY option available to the scientist who
works (as I do) under the methodological naturalism assumption. No
experiment or discovery, not even "kitty cat bones with dino bones," not
even a dinosaur skeleton with Ally Oop's skeleton entangled in its teeth,
would negate that. Not even a set of findings that all present animals
were present in all geological layers would negate it. Not even a finding
that discovered every presently known extinct species still alive and
well in South America. Not even a "voice from heaven," with attendant
signs and wonders, would negate that. It is a necessary consequence of
the MN assumption.


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