Debate with Moorad

John W Burgeson (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 16:22:57 -0600

Glenn wrote, in response to Moorad:

"If we were to find the entire panoply of modern animals, fossilized in
>>Cambrian rocks, it would clearly rule out evolution since nothing would
>>have changed and no evolution would have occurred. So, evolution is
>>falsifiable. "

Moorad has already disagreed, and I find myself in agreement with him.
What such a finding WOULD falsify is one particular view (theory)
of evolution. But since evolution of SOME kind is the only possible
natural explanation (see Planting on this), it would not falsify it at

What it would do is move the debate as to where it happened to some
place other than our earth.

I, with Moorad, can think of no possible way to falsify it. That does not
make it untrue, of course. It is a philosophical point.


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