"One of the predictions of the global flood is that the preflood animals
which got on the ark got off the ark and repopulated the earth. This
that we should find all animals throughout the geologic column. The
of all living animals (or a big percentage) would verify the global flood
view at the expense of evolution, because no morphological change would
have occurred. I fail to see how this can't be the case."
Sorry -- you lost me on this one. I think you mean "global flood + YEC"
but even then it does not seem pertinent to our discussion.
I wrote:
"What it would do is move the debate as to where it happened to some
place other than our earth."
You wrote:
"No, it would move the debate to how rapidly it occurred if one still
to believe in evolution. If kitty cats were found in the Cambrian
throughout the world, one would need to explain their stasis for such a
long time as well as the fact that they suddenly appeared."
Yes, "how rapidly" would also be a valid point of debate. I had
overlooked that.
On your second (strange) sentence, do you really think that if we
suddenly found "kitty cat" remains in Cambrian rocks it would seriously
change the minds of those who believe in "the fact of evolution?" I think
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